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Oversight Library
As a service to the academic community interested in oversight issues, we facilitate access to academic research papers, books, datasets and other materials on topics of interest. Search our extensive oversight library!

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Links to Congressional Oversight Datasets
- Charles Stewart’s Congressional Data Page — datasets collected by Charles Stewart including lists over time of congressional committee members, roll call votes, and party voting scores.
House Witness Database, 1971-2015 — information on over 435,000 hearing witnesses at over 42,500 House hearings from 1971 to 2016 (92nd to 114th Congress) compiled by Prof. Lauren C. Bell and Ph.D. Candidate John D. Rackey
Levin Center / Wayne Law Review panel discussing 3 databases containing congressional oversight materials (2020)
- Lugar Center Congressional Oversight Hearings Index – new database in 2020 with over 20,000 congressional oversight hearings and individual committee evaluations
Brookings House Oversight Tracker during the Trump era – dataset compiled by Molly E. Reynolds and Jackson Gode for the 116th Congress, 2019-2020.
- Tracking Oversight in the House in the 116th Congress (2020) by Molly E. Reynolds & Jackson Gode
- University of Texas Policy Agendas Project – longstanding database containing over 100,000 congressional hearings from 1946 to 2021 as well as other U.S. and foreign data collections
- Association of Centers for the Study of Congress (ACSC) Constituent Services Database – database under development for congressional correspondence and other materials related to constituent services.
- End of Term Web Archive – database containing federal government-wide websites at the end of presidential terms in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020, all of which may be useful in oversight research
- Senate Committee Hearing Repository — online links to about 15,600 Senate hearing videos from 2000 to 2023 compiled by Lars Schonander.
- Member of Congress Biographical Directory, 1774-2025, and related (more limited) set of Unique Member ID Numbers — compiled by Congress.Gov

Here is a sample of materials taken from the growing body of research into issues related to congressional and state-level oversight. Scholars who would like to add to this resource can submit copies or links for up to three items.
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