Assembly Committee on Appropriations #
Website #
Membership and hearing schedules available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“Primary jurisdiction is fiscal bills, including bonds and alternative public financing” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Budget #
Website #
Membership, reports, and meeting agendas available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Budget Committee’s jurisdiction is the Budget” (committee website).
Subcommittees: #
- Health
- Human Services
- Education Finance
- Climate Crisis, Resources, Energy, and Transportation
- State Administration
- Public Safety
- Accountability and Oversight
Joint Committee on Legislative Audit #
Website #
Membership; audit requests; and meeting schedule, agendas, and votes available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“With the goal of improving government performance, the JLAC independently and through the work of the California State Auditor’s Office (CSA) oversees the operations and finances of government and publicly created entities. The JLAC reviews and takes action on audit requests, which are submitted to the Committee from any Member of the Legislature. It also monitors government operations through oversight hearings” (committee website).
Joint Legislative Budget Committee #
Website #
Membership and meeting agendas available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The committee shall ascertain facts and make- recommendations to the Legislature and to the houses thereof concerning the State Budget, the revenues and expenditures of the State, the organization and functions of the State, its departments, subdivisions and agencies, and such other matters as may be provided for in the Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly. The committee has a continuing existence and may meet, act and conduct its business at any place within this State, during the sessions of the Legislature or any recess thereof, and in the interim period between sessions” (2010 California Government Code, Article 7, Section 9140-9147).
Senate Appropriations Committee #
Website #
Membership and meeting agendas available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[A]ll bills with a fiscal impact, as determined by Legislative Counsel, are referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee after they have been heard in their respective policy committees. This can include bills that appropriate money, result in substantial expenditure of state money, or result in a substantial loss of revenue to the state” (committee website).
Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee #
Website #
Membership, reports, and meeting agendas and videos available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Budget Bill and bills implementing the Budget. Bills that directly affect the State Budget, including deficiencies and reappropriations” (Senate Rules 2021-2022 Regular Session).