Office of the Auditor General #
Website #
Mission Statement #
“As the State’s independent external auditor, the Auditor General provides unbiased, timely, and relevant information that the Legislature, Florida’s citizens, public entity management, and other stakeholders can use to promote government accountability and stewardship and improve government operations” (official website).
Most Recent Reports #
Available here.
Office of Economic and Demographic Research #
Website #
Mission Statement #
“The Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR) is a research arm of the Legislature principally concerned with forecasting economic and social trends that affect policy making, revenues, and appropriations. EDR provides objective information to committee staffs and members of the legislature in support of the policy making process” (official website).
Most Recent Reports #
Available here.
Office of the Inspector General #
Website #
Mission Statement #
“As mandated by the Florida Inspector General Act of 1994, our mission is to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in state government and detect, deter, and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. Every state agency has an inspector general who achieves their mission through conducting professional and independent investigations, audits, and reviews. Our goal is to enhance public trust in government” (official website).
Most Recent Reports #
Not available on website.
Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability #
Website #
Mission Statement #
“The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) is a research arm of the Florida Legislature. OPPAGA was created by the Legislature in 1994 to help improve the performance and accountability of state government. OPPAGA provides data, evaluative research, and objective analyses to assist legislative budget and policy deliberations” (official website).
Most Recent Reports #
Available here.